what does it mean to live as a warrior

Today the United States of America as a whole lives a completely different lifestyle than our forefathers. Now I could reference all kinds of differences betwixt now and and so but in this article, I'thou going to concentrate on one subject field in particular. The subject that I'chiliad referring to is a Warrior Lifestyle.

This is something that I feel we take moved away from equally Americans. Make no mistake our land use to exist a warrior culture. Our country was founded by warriors; men that took common cold blued steel and fought to the death to build our nation. Their credo was far from "permit'south not offend" or "we might hurt people's feelings", etc.

Our founding fathers were rebellious and courageous. They were men of principle. Principals that they would requite their lives to uphold. They were warriors in every sense of the word.

With those types of personalities at the captain, our country was destined to be a powerful nation. Throughout the years those principles and lifestyles take been diluted. Back in those days, everyone needed to know how to defend him or herself. Everyone needed to know how to catch and kill dinner. People needed to know how to sew apparel and wounds. They needed to know these things because that is what it takes to survive in a world that is unforgiving.

At present some would say we are blest non to alive that manner anymore. Others "similar me" feel nosotros accept wondered way to far from those principles.

I can tell yous information technology is obvious to me especially when I get together for a family event or some other gathering and the big topic is the "new I Phone" or "Bob shot Par on the course today it must be that new driver of his".

Yes, we live in a much different time than that of our forefathers. We are blessed that we are able to alive this mode because of the principles that our forefathers upheld. Today I believe nosotros are starting to run out of the fatty that we have been feeding off of for years. I believe our lifestyles have to alter if we await to go along to live with the freedoms and luxuries nosotros have come up to cherish.

One of the reasons I believe our country as a whole has forgotten a lot of our principles and core survival skills is technology. Applied science has taken us to a whole different level. Nosotros take evolved with the times and much of it is necessary.

But I also believe throughout our country's evolutionary procedure we take been bedridden in many ways. We take become overly dependent on it.

At present I'm not going to knock engineering science for the simple fact that it has and does allow the states to boot ass on the battleground. But that doesn't mean we can't accept it upon ourselves to learn and stay proficient in the core fundamentals and skill sets without the utilise of technology.

That I feel is where technology has crippled u.s.. Our hard skills equally a state are nowhere close to where they use to be. If you took technology away from our citizens tomorrow we'd get our asses handed to united states of america on all fronts.

Let me give yous this every bit an example. What would happen if one-half of the United States lost power for 2 weeks? I'll give you a couple of scenarios. About people would exist screwed for the simple fact that most of them don't conduct any cash on them. ATM'due south would be down because they need the ability to work. People wouldn't be able to get gas because the pumps don't work when there is no power. Stores would exist closed considering they demand the power to run their registers. How will people survive without beingness able to buy water and food?

I could become on but you become the picture. I'1000 not even going to get into the sheeple who have no thought or means to defend themselves or their property. That is a whole new article in itself. But information technology goes along with what I'chiliad discussing.

How many people practice you know who can actually take a topographical map, plot their position and navigate from point A to B with a compass, overland without using roads? How many folks practice you know who could kill an animal, skin it out and butcher it? I know a few because of the people I run with but I know a lot more that wouldn't have the faintest idea. I retrieve that is substandard to say it mildly.

Here is another instance. How many people exercise yous know who, if you gave them weapon whether information technology exist a pistol, burglarize, or shotgun, would be able to load it and use it effectively? Heck, how many people exercise y'all know who could practice that without south***ting themselves?

Learn to live and thrive like a Navy SEAL

Read Adjacent: Learn to live and thrive like a Navy SEAL

Over again, far too many people are foreign to and far from the cadre principle and skill sets our forefathers could accomplish more than 200 years ago.

The point I'k trying to make is I firmly believe that every American should be able to achieve these tasks. I likewise believe even with more conviction that if your career revolves around saving lives or defeating bad guys than your main hobbies shouldn't be golfing, watching reality Goggle box, or sitting your fatty ass on a bar stool at a sports bar.

If yous bear a gun for a living, that is a lifestyle, and information technology should be treated as such because people's lives depend on it.

Your hobbies should be things that strengthen yous every bit a warrior. Become into IDPA or three gun competitions. Commencement learning a mixed martial art. Become your families into outdoor activities like camping, fishing or hunting. If yous have a son or daughter that is old enough to play sports and they don't know how to handle a weapon than you should have your ass kicked! I hateful that literally.

I view you as part of cancer that this nation is being eaten by. If your excuse is "my spouse won't allow me" well you should both take your asses kicked!! Be a human for crying out loud. Or if y'all're a adult female what kind of man are you lot hooked up with? I'd exist embarrassed and ashamed!!!

I'm passionate well-nigh this subject, every bit you all might have figured out. I'm like that because I believe in what our country was founded on. I swore to protect our great nation. I take that very seriously and I wait at anyone or annihilation that weakens my land as a hostile invading force that needs to exist dealt with.

I know life is busy and it's fifty-fifty more and then this 24-hour interval and age. Only I believe information technology is our duty as Americans and parents to preserve what our nation was. It's what makes us Americans. We are unique and I want to see that it stays that way.

Nosotros need to have time out of our busy lives to acquire and to teach the core skill sets of survival and war. We demand to build the framework for our youngsters. If we don't practise that, the Warrior Lifestyle will be lost.

We are not above having severe issues that tin cripple our nation such as power outages, food shortages, and practice I dare say it, civil unrest. Because when those things beginning happening and people can't find water and nutrient, civil unrest is what is going to happen and in all forms and none of them are pretty.

I want to get out you all with one last thought. What do y'all all recollect is going to happen when our country finally goes bankrupt? Do a little research and see for yourself. There is no coming dorsum from the type of debt we are in. We volition become bankrupt in due time.

What will the 50% of Americans do that are living off of the government tit when it finally goes dry? Whatsoever way y'all wait at it it's not going to exist pretty. Those people are not going to go quietly in the night I tin assure you.

Take the time and learn the skills that it takes to be a warrior. And then take the fourth dimension and teach those skills to the people you love. Considering there is a skillful chance that you lot will need those skills one day.

I can tell you the last place you want to be learning a new skill is when your life depends on it. Commencement living a Warrior Lifestyle.

Juliet 1

*Photo courtesy of DVIDS

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Source: https://sofrep.com/gear/start-living-a-warrior-lifestyle/

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