Discuss Several Negative Effects of Water Pollution.

The environmental effects of shipping include air pollution, water pollution, acoustic, and oil pollution.[ane] Ships are responsible for more than 18 percentage of some air pollutants.[2] [ which? ]

As for greenhouse gas emissions, the International Maritime Arrangement (IMO) estimates that carbon dioxide emissions from shipping were equal to 2.2% of the global human-made emissions in 2012[3] and expects them to ascent 50 to 250 percent by 2050 if no action is taken.[4]

Although in the movement of a given mass of cargo a given altitude, ships are the most energy-efficient method, the sheer size of the maritime transport industry means that it has a significant environmental consequence.[5] [six] The annual increasing amount of shipping overwhelms gains in efficiency, such equally from tedious-steaming. The growth in tonne-kilometers of body of water shipment has averaged 4 percent yearly since the 1990s,[vii] and it has grown past a factor of five since the 1970s. There are at present over 100,000 transport ships at sea, of which about 6,000 are big container ships.[v]

The fact that shipping enjoys substantial tax privileges has contributed to the growing emissions.[8] [ix] [10]

Ballast water [edit]

A cargo ship discharging anchor water into the sea

Ballast h2o discharges by ships tin have a negative touch on the marine surroundings.[ane] Cruise ships, large tankers, and bulk cargo carriers use a huge amount of ballast h2o, which is often taken on in the littoral waters in 1 region after ships discharge wastewater or unload cargo, and discharged at the adjacent port of telephone call, wherever more cargo is loaded.[xi] Ballast h2o discharge typically contains a diverseness of biological materials, including plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria. These materials often include non-native, nuisance, invasive, exotic species that can crusade extensive ecological and economical harm to aquatic ecosystems along with serious human health problems.

Sound pollution [edit]

Noise pollution caused past shipping and other homo enterprises has increased in recent history.[12] The noise produced by ships can travel long distances, and marine species who may rely on sound for their orientation, communication, and feeding, tin can be harmed by this sound pollution.[13] [14]

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species has identified ocean racket every bit a potential threat to marine life.[15] The disruption of whales' ability to communicate with one another is an farthermost threat and is affecting their ability to survive. Co-ordinate to Discovery Channel'due south article on Sonic Body of water Journeys Deep into the Ocean,[sixteen] over the last century, extremely loud racket from commercial ships, oil and gas exploration, naval sonar exercises and other sources has transformed the ocean's delicate acoustic habitat, challenging the ability of whales and other marine life to prosper and ultimately to survive. Whales are starting to react to this in ways that are life-threatening. Kenneth C. Balcomb, a whale researcher and a former U.Southward Navy officer,[17] states that the day xv March 2000, is the day of infamy. As Discovery says,[18] where he and his crew discovered whales swimming dangerously close to the shore. They're supposed to be in deep water. Then I pushed it back out to sea, says Balcomb.[19] Although sonar helps to protect us, it is destroying marine life. According to IFAW Creature Rescue Program Director Katie Moore,[20] "There'south different ways that sounds can affect animals. There'south that underlying ambient noise level that'southward rising, and ascension, and rising that interferes with communication and their motility patterns. And and then at that place'due south the more acute kind of traumatic impact of audio, that'due south causing concrete impairment or a really stiff behavioral response. Information technology'southward fight or flight".

Wildlife collisions [edit]

Carcass of a whale on a shore in Republic of iceland

Marine mammals, such every bit whales and manatees, risk being struck by ships, causing injury and expiry.[1] For instance, a collision with a ship traveling at simply 15 knots has a 79% adventure of being lethal to a whale.[21]

One notable case of the touch on of transport collisions is the endangered Due north Atlantic right whale, of which 400 or fewer remain.[22] The greatest danger to the Due north Atlantic right whale is injury sustained from transport strikes.[21] Between 1970 and 1999, 35.5% of recorded deaths were attributed to collisions.[23] From 1999 to 2003, incidents of mortality and serious injury attributed to transport strikes averaged i per year. From 2004 to 2006, that number increased to 2.6.[24] Deaths from collisions has become an extinction threat.[25] The United States' National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) introduced vessel speed restrictions to reduce ship collisions with N Atlantic right whales in 2008, which expired in 2013.[26] Even so, in 2017 an unprecedented mortality issue occurred, resulting in the deaths of 17 Northward Atlantic correct whales acquired primarily from ship-strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.[22]

Atmospheric pollution [edit]

Frazzle gases from ships are considered to be a significant source of air pollution, both for conventional pollutants and greenhouse gases.[1]

Conventional pollutants [edit]

Air pollution from ships is generated by diesel engines that burn high sulfur content fuel oil, also known as bunker oil, producing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate, in addition to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons which again leads to the formation of aersols and secondary chemicals reactions including formations of HCHO,[27] Ozone etc. in the temper.[1] Diesel exhaust has been classified by EPA equally a likely human carcinogen. EPA recognizes that these emissions from marine diesel engines contribute to ozone and carbon monoxide nonattainment (i.e., failure to meet air quality standards), also as adverse health effects associated with ambient concentrations of particulate affair and visibility, haze, acid deposition, and eutrophication and nitrification of water.[28] EPA estimates that large marine diesel engines accounted for well-nigh 1.half-dozen pct of mobile source nitrogen oxide emissions and 2.8 percent of mobile source particulate emissions in the United States in 2000. Contributions of marine diesel fuel engines tin can be higher on a port-specific basis. Ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) is a standard for defining diesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur contents. As of 2006, almost all of the petroleum-based diesel fuel available in Europe and Northward America is of a ULSD blazon.

In 2016 the IMO adopted new sulfur regulations which must exist implemented by larger ships start in Jan 2020.[29] [30] [31]

Of total global air emissions, marine shipping accounts for eighteen to thirty percent of the nitrogen oxide and ix% of the sulphur oxides.[2] [32] Sulfur in the air creates acid rain which damages crops and buildings. When inhaled, sulfur is known to cause respiratory issues and even increases the run a risk of a heart set on.[33] According to Irene Blooming, a spokeswoman for the European environmental coalition Seas at Gamble, the fuel used in oil tankers and container ships is high in sulfur and cheaper to purchase compared to the fuel used for domestic land use. "A transport lets out around l times more sulfur than a lorry per tonne of cargo carried."[33] Cities in the U.S. like Long Embankment, Los Angeles, Houston, Galveston, and Pittsburgh run into some of the heaviest shipping traffic in the nation and have left local officials desperately trying to clean upwardly the air.[34] Increasing trade betwixt the U.S. and Cathay is helping to increment the number of vessels navigating the Pacific and exacerbating many of the ecology issues. To maintain the level of growth China is experiencing, large amounts of grain are being shipped to Prc by the boat load. The number of voyages are expected to go along increasing.[35]

In a recent study, the future of ship emissions has been investigated and reported that the growth of carbon dioxide emissions do not alter with almost common alternatives such as Ultra-depression sulfur diesel (ULSD) or Liquified natural gas (LNG) every bit well as growing volume of methane emission due to methyl hydride slip through the LNG supply-chain.[36]

Localized air pollution [edit]

Cruise ship haze over Juneau, Alaska

I source of environmental stresses on maritime vessels recently has come up from states and localities, as they assess the contribution of commercial marine vessels to regional air quality problems when ships are docked at port.[37] For instance, large marine diesel engines are believed to contribute 7 percent of mobile source nitrogen oxide emissions in Baton Rouge/New Orleans. Ships tin can also accept a significant impact in areas without large commercial ports: they contribute near 37 percent of total area nitrogen oxide emissions in the Santa Barbara area, and that percentage is expected to increment to 61 percent by 2015.[28] Again, there is little cruise-industry specific data on this issue. They comprise only a small fraction of the globe shipping fleet, but prowl ship emissions may exert significant impacts on a local scale in specific coastal areas that are visited repeatedly. Shipboard incinerators also burn large volumes of garbage, plastics, and other waste, producing ash that must exist disposed of. Incinerators may release toxic emissions besides.

In 2005, MARPOL Annex Vi came into forcefulness to combat this problem. As such prowl ships now employ CCTV monitoring on the smokestacks likewise equally recorded measuring via opacity meter while some are as well using clean burning gas turbines for electrical loads and propulsion in sensitive areas.

Greenhouse gas pollutants [edit]

Maritime transport accounts for 3.5% to 4% of all climate change emissions, primarily carbon dioxide.[one] [32]

Although the industry was not a focus of attention of the Paris Climate Accord signed in 2016, the Un and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have discussed CO 2 emissions goals and limits. The First Intersessional Meeting of the IMO Working Grouping on Greenhouse Gas Emissions[38] took place in Oslo, Norway on 23–27 June 2008. It was tasked with developing the technical basis for the reduction mechanisms that may form part of a future IMO government to command greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, and a draft of the actual reduction mechanisms themselves, for further consideration past the IMO's Marine Environs Protection Committee (MEPC).[39] In 2018, the industry discussed in London placing limits to cut levels from a benchmark of 2008 carbon dioxide emissions past 50% by the yr 2050. Some methods of reducing emissions of the industry include lowering speeds of aircraft (which can be potentially problematic for perishable goods) every bit well as changes to fuel standards.[40] In 2019, international shipping organizations, including the International Chamber of Shipping, proposed creating a $5 billion fund to support the inquiry and technology necessary to cutting GHG emissions.[41]

Some other approach to reducing the bear on of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping was launched by vetting bureau RightShip, which developed an online "Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Rating" every bit a systematic fashion for the industry to compare a ship'due south CO2 emissions with peer vessels of a similar size and type. Based on the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) Free energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) that applies to ships congenital from 2013, RightShip's GHG Rating tin can also be applied to vessels built prior to 2013, assuasive for effective vessel comparison across the world's fleet. The GHG Rating utilises an A to G scale, where A represents the most efficient ships. It measures the theoretical amount of carbon dioxide emitted per tonne nautical mile travelled, based on the design characteristics of the transport at time of build such as cargo carrying chapters, engine power and fuel consumption. Higher rated ships tin deliver significantly lower COii emissions across the voyage length, which means they also apply less fuel and are cheaper to run.

Nuclear marine propulsion has been proposed as the only long-proven and scalable propulsion technology that produces practically cipher greenhouse gas emissions.[42]

Oil spills [edit]

Most normally associated with ship pollution are oil spills.[1] While less frequent than the pollution that occurs from daily operations, oil spills take devastating effects. While being toxic to marine life, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the components in crude oil, are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine surroundings.[43] Marine species constantly exposed to PAHs tin exhibit developmental problems, susceptibility to disease, and abnormal reproductive cycles. One of the more widely known spills was the Exxon Valdez incident in Alaska. The ship ran aground and dumped a massive amount of oil into the body of water in March 1989. Despite efforts of scientists, managers and volunteers, over 400,000 seabirds, well-nigh 1,000 ocean otters, and immense numbers of fish were killed.[43]

Wastewater [edit]

The cruise line industry dumps 970,000 litres (255,000 United states of america gal) of greywater and 110,000 litres (30,000 United states of america gal) of blackwater into the sea every day.[1]

Blackwater is sewage, wastewater from toilets and medical facilities, which tin can incorporate harmful bacteria, pathogens, viruses, intestinal parasites, and harmful nutrients. Discharges of untreated or inadequately treated sewage can cause bacterial and viral contagion of fisheries and shellfish beds, producing risks to public health. Nutrients in sewage, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, promote excessive algal blooms, which consumes oxygen in the h2o and can lead to fish kills and destruction of other aquatic life. A large prowl ship (3,000 passengers and crew) generates an estimated 55,000 to 110,000 liters per solar day of blackwater waste material.[44]

Greywater is wastewater from the sinks, showers, galleys, laundry, and cleaning activities aboard a ship. It can contain a variety of pollutant substances, including fecal coliforms, detergents, oil and grease, metals, organic compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, nutrients, food waste, medical and dental waste product. Sampling done past the EPA and the state of Alaska plant that untreated greywater from prowl ships tin can contain pollutants at variable strengths and that information technology can comprise levels of fecal coliform bacteria several times greater than is typically found in untreated domestic wastewater.[45] Greywater has potential to crusade adverse environmental effects because of concentrations of nutrients and other oxygen-demanding materials, in particular. Greywater is typically the largest source of liquid waste generated by prowl ships (ninety to 95 percent of the total). Estimates of greywater range from 110 to 320 liters per twenty-four hour period per person, or 330,000 to 960,000 liters per day for a 3,000-person cruise ship.[46]

MARPOL annex 4 was brought into strength September 2003 strictly limiting untreated waste discharge. Modern cruise ships are almost commonly installed with a membrane bioreactor type treatment plant for all blackwater and greywater, such equally M&O, Zenon or Rochem bioreactors which produce near drinkable quality effluent to exist re-used in the machinery spaces as technical h2o.

Solid waste material [edit]

Solid waste generated on a send includes drinking glass, paper, paper-thin, aluminium and steel cans, and plastics.[1] It can be either not-hazardous or chancy in nature. Solid waste that enters the ocean may get marine droppings, and can so pose a threat to marine organisms, humans, coastal communities, and industries that use marine waters. Cruise ships typically manage solid waste by a combination of source reduction, waste product minimization, and recycling. Withal, as much as 75 percent of solid waste product is incinerated on board, and the ash typically is discharged at ocean, although some is landed ashore for disposal or recycling. Marine mammals, fish, sea turtles, and birds can exist injured or killed from entanglement with plastics and other solid waste that may be released or disposed off of prowl ships. On average, each cruise ship passenger generates at least ii pounds of non-chancy solid waste product per day.[47] With big cruise ships carrying several one thousand passengers, the corporeality of waste generated in a 24-hour interval tin be massive. For a large cruise ship, almost 8 tons of solid waste are generated during a one-week cruise.[48] Information technology has been estimated that 24% of the solid waste matter generated past vessels worldwide (by weight) comes from cruise ships.[49] Most prowl send garbage is treated on lath (incinerated, pulped, or ground up) for discharge overboard. When garbage must be off-loaded (for case, because glass and aluminium cannot be incinerated), cruise ships can put a strain on port reception facilities, which are rarely adequate to the task of serving a large passenger vessel.[fifty]

Bilge water [edit]

On a ship, oil often leaks from engine and machinery spaces or from engine maintenance activities and mixes with water in the bilge, the lowest role of the hull of the send. Though bilge water is filtered and cleaned earlier being discharged,[one] oil in fifty-fifty minute concentrations tin can kill fish or have various sub-lethal chronic furnishings. Bilge water as well may contain solid wastes and pollutants containing high levels of oxygen-demanding textile, oil and other chemicals. A typically large cruise transport will generate an average of 8 tonnes of oily bilge water for each 24 hours of operation.[51] To maintain ship stability and eliminate potentially chancy conditions from oil vapors in these areas, the bilge spaces need to be flushed and periodically pumped dry out. However, earlier a bilge can be cleared out and the water discharged, the oil that has been accumulated needs to exist extracted from the bilge water, afterward which the extracted oil tin be reused, incinerated, and/or offloaded in port. If a separator, which is normally used to extract the oil, is faulty or is deliberately bypassed, untreated oily bilge water could be discharged direct into the ocean, where it can impairment marine life.

Some shipping companies, including big prowl aircraft lines, accept sometimes violated regulations by illegally bypassing the onboard oily water separator and discharging untreated oily wastewater. In the US these violations by means of a so-called "magic pipe" have been prosecuted and resulted in large fines, but in other countries enforcement has been mixed.[52] [53]

International regulation [edit]

Some of the major international efforts in the form of treaties are the Marine Pollution Treaty, Honolulu, which deals with regulating marine pollution from ships, and the Un Convention on Police force of the Sea, which deals with marine species and pollution.[54] While plenty of local and international regulations accept been introduced throughout maritime history, much of the electric current regulations are considered inadequate. "In general, the treaties tend to emphasize the technical features of safety and pollution control measures without going to the root causes of sub-standard shipping, the absence of incentives for compliance and the lack of enforceability of measures."[55]

The most common problems encountered with international shipping arise from paperwork errors and community brokers not having the proper information well-nigh the items.[56] Cruise ships, for example, are exempt from regulation under the US discharge permit organisation (NPDES, under the Make clean Water Human action) that requires compliance with applied science-based standards.[43] In the Caribbean, many ports lack proper waste disposal facilities, and many ships dump their waste at sea.[57]

Moreover, due to the complexities of shipping trade and the difficulties involved in regulating this business, a comprehensive and generally acceptable regulatory framework on corporate responsibility for reducing GHG emissions is unlikely to be achieved soon. In fact, emissions are standing to increase. Under these circumstances, it is necessary for the states, the shipping industry and global organizations to explore and discuss market based mechanisms for vessel-sourced GHG emissions reduction.[6]

Problems by region [edit]

Asia [edit]

Eu [edit]

  • Prowl ship pollution in Europe
  • Eu Reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions from the shipping sector
  • Eu Sustainable Aircraft Forum (ESSF)
  • EC-IMO Energy Efficiency Project. The 4-yr project aims to plant Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres in 5 regions: Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific. Through technical assistance and capacity-edifice, the centres will promote the uptake of depression carbon technologies and operations in maritime send in the less developed countries in the respective region. This will also support the implementation of the internationally agreed energy efficiency rules and standards (EEDI and SEEMP).
  • EEDI=Energy Efficiency Blueprint Index
  • SEEMP=Transport Energy Efficiency Management Programme
  • MRV Monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from big ships using EU ports

Britain [edit]

  • Merchant Shipping Deed 1995
  • Merchant Shipping (Pollution) Human action 2006

United States [edit]

It is expected that, (from 2004) "...shipping traffic to and from the Usa is projected to double past 2020."[34] However, many shipping companies and port operators in North America (Canada and the Usa) accept adopted the Green Marine Ecology Program to limit operational impacts on the environment.[58]

  • Act to Forbid Pollution from Ships
  • American Bureau of Shipping
  • Cruise transport pollution in the United States
  • National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan
  • Oil Pollution Act of 1990
  • Regulation of send pollution in the The states

See also [edit]

  • Lesser paint
  • Classification guild (technical standards NGO)
  • Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution past Dumping of Wastes and Other Affair
  • Ecology impact of transport
  • Ecology threats to the Great Barrier Reef
  • International Association of Classification Societies
  • List of ecology problems
  • Marine droppings
  • Marine fuel direction
  • N Pacific Gyre
  • Oil spill
  • Particle (ecology)
  • Shipping road
  • Tributyltin
  • Zero emission vehicle

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e f k h i j Walker TR, Adebambo O, Del Aguila Feijoo MC, Elhaimer Eastward, Hossain T, Edwards SJ, Morrison CE, Romo J, Sharma N, Taylor S, Zomorodi Southward (2019). "Ecology Effects of Marine Transportation". World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. pp. 505–530. doi:x.1016/B978-0-12-805052-1.00030-9. ISBN978-0-12-805052-1.
  2. ^ a b Schrooten Fifty, De Vlieger I, Panis LI, Chiffi C, Pastori E (Dec 2009). "Emissions of maritime transport: a European reference system". The Scientific discipline of the Full Environment. 408 (2): 318–23. Bibcode:2009ScTEn.408..318S. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.07.037. PMID 19840885.
  3. ^ 3rd IMO GHG Report 2014 (PDF), International Maritime Organization
  4. ^ Second IMO GHG Written report 2014 (PDF), International Maritime Arrangement, archived from the original (PDF) on 19 October 2015
  5. ^ a b Shipping contributes up to 3 pct of worldwide CO2 emissions, says written report, Voice of Russia U.k.. 27 June 2014.
  6. ^ a b Rahim MM, Islam MT, Kuruppu S (2016). "Regulating global shipping corporations' accountability for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the seas". Marine Policy. 69: 159–170. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.04.018.
  7. ^ Loftier Seas, High Stakes, Final Study. Tyndall Centre for Climate Alter Inquiry, Univ. of Manchester, Britain. 2014.
  8. ^ Fuel charges in international aviation and shipping: How high; how; and why?
  9. ^ "Fuel taxation". Archived from the original on 17 Dec 2018. Retrieved 17 December 2018.
  10. ^ The (non-) taxation of international aviation and maritime fuels: Anomalies and possibilities
  11. ^ Urbina, Ian (25 September 2019). "Dumping into the Ocean | #TheOutlawOcean". YouTube.
  12. ^ "Noise could audio the death knell of ocean fish". The Hindu. London. 15 August 2010. Retrieved 6 March 2011.
  13. ^ Homo Noise disturbance in Bounding main Tin can Pb Fish Away from Good Habitats and Off to Their Death, University of Bristol, xiii Baronial 2010, retrieved 6 March 2011
  14. ^ Simpson SD, Meekan MG, Larsen NJ, McCauley RD, Jeffs A (2010). "Behavioral plasticity in larval reef fish: Orientation is influenced by recent acoustic experiences". Behavioral Ecology. 21 (5): 1098–1105. doi:10.1093/beheco/arq117.
  15. ^ Noise Pollution and Ship-Strikes (PDF), United nations Environs Programme-Convention on Migratory Species, archived from the original (PDF) on 22 July 2011, retrieved 6 March 2011
  16. ^ Discovery Channel's article on Sonic Sea Journeys Deep into the Ocean
  17. ^ Kenneth C. Balcomb, a whale researcher and a former U.S Navy officer
  18. ^ Discovery says
  19. ^ says Balcomb
  20. ^ IFAW Beast Rescue Program Director Katie Moore
  21. ^ a b Vanderlaan AS, Taggart CT (2007). "Vessel Collisions with Whales: The Probability of Lethal Injury Based on Vessel Speed". Marine Mammal Scientific discipline. 23: 144–56. doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2006.00098.x.
  22. ^ a b Taylor S, Walker TR (November 2017). "North Atlantic right whales in danger". Science. 358 (6364): 730–31. Bibcode:2017Sci...358..730T. doi:10.1126/scientific discipline.aar2402. PMID 29123056.
  23. ^ Ward-Geiger LI, Silber GK, Baumstark RD, Pulfer TL (2005). "Characterization of Transport Traffic in Right Whale Critical Habitat". Coastal Direction. 33 (3): 263–78. CiteSeerXten.ane.1.170.1740. doi:10.1080/08920750590951965.
  24. ^ Reilly SB, Bannister JL, All-time PB, Brown G, Brownell Jr RL, Butterworth DS, Clapham PJ, Cooke J, Donovan GP, Urbán J, Zerbini AN (2010). "Eubalaena glacialis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012.RLTS.T41712A17084065.en.
  25. ^ "Shipping threat to endangered whale". BBC News. BBC. 28 August 2001.
  26. ^ "Endangered Fish and Wildlife; Final Rule To Implement Speed Restrictions to Reduce the Threat of Ship Collisions With North Atlantic Correct Whales". Federal Register. ten October 2008.
  27. ^ Gopikrishnan, G. S.; Kuttippurath, Jayanarayanan (30 November 2020). "A decade of satellite observations reveal significant increment in atmospheric formaldehyde from shipping in Indian Ocean". Atmospheric Environment: 118095. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118095. ISSN 1352-2310.
  28. ^ a b United states Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC. "Control of Emissions From New Marine Pinch-Ignition Engines at or Above 30 Liters Per Cylinder." Final rule. Federal Register, 68 FR 9751, 2003-02-28.
  29. ^ "New sulfur regulations from 2020 [Infographic]". marine-electronics.eu . Retrieved five Apr 2018.
  30. ^ Saul, Jonathan (13 Dec 2019). "Factbox: IMO 2020 - a major shake-up for oil and shipping". Reuters . Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  31. ^ Fletcher, Philippa (12 December 2019). "Shipping industry sails into unknown with new pollution rules". Reuters . Retrieved 19 Dec 2019.
  32. ^ a b Vidal, John (9 April 2009). "Health risks of shipping pollution have been 'underestimated'". The Guardian . Retrieved 3 July 2009.
  33. ^ a b Harrabin, R. (25 June 2003). "EU faces send clean-upwardly call." BBC News. Retrieved 1 November 2006, from http://news.bbc.co.britain/2/hello/europe/3019686.stm
  34. ^ a b Watson, T. (30 August 2004). Transport pollution clouds USA'southward skies. USA Today. Retrieved 1 November 2006, from https://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-08-30-ship-pollution_x.htm
  35. ^ Schmidt, C., & Olicker, J. (twenty April 2004). World in the Balance: Prc Revs Up [Transcript]. PBS: NOVA. Retrieved 26 November 2006, from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3109_worldbal.html
  36. ^ Liu J, Duru O (2020). "Bayesian probabilistic forecasting for ship emissions". Atmospheric Surround. 231: 117540. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117540.
  37. ^ Schrooten L, De Vlieger I, Int Panis L, Styns K, Torfs R (2008). "Inventory and forecasting of maritime emissions in the Belgian sea territory, an activity-based emission model". Atmospheric Environment. 42 (4): 667–676. Bibcode:2008AtmEn..42..667S. doi:ten.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.09.071.
  38. ^ International Maritime Organization, London (2008). "Working Grouping Oslo June 2008."
  39. ^ imo.org (2020). "IMO targets greenhouse gas emissions." (London: Petromedia Group). 2008-06-17.
  40. ^ "The shipping industry attempts to cap carbon emissions". The Economist . Retrieved 10 May 2018.
  41. ^ Saul, Jonathan (xviii December 2019). "Send industry proposes $5 billion research fund to help cut emissions". Reuters . Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  42. ^ "Aircraft manufacture should consider nuclear option for decarbonizing: experts | S&P Global Platts". www.spglobal.com. 4 Nov 2020. Retrieved 6 Nov 2020.
  43. ^ a b c Panetta, L. E. (Chair) (2003). "America's living oceans: charting a grade for body of water change." Electronic Version, CD. Pew Oceans Committee.
  44. ^ The Ocean Salvation, "Cruise Control, A Report on How Prowl Ships Bear on the Marine Environment," May 2002, p. 13. - PDF [i] Archived 29 Oct 2013 at the Wayback Automobile
  45. ^ EPA Typhoon Discharge Assessment Written report, pp. 3-v - 3-6.
  46. ^ Prowl Command, p. xv.
  47. ^ The Heart for Environmental Leadership in Business, "A Shifting Tide, Environmental Challenges and Cruise Industry Responses," p. 14.
  48. ^ Bluewater Network, "Cruising for Problem: Stemming the Tide of Cruise Ship Pollution," March 2000, p. 5. A report prepared for an industry group estimated that a iii,000-person prowl transport generates 1.1 million U.s.a. gallons (iv,200 thousand3) of graywater during a seven-day cruise. Don Thousand. Kim, "Cruise Send Waste Dispersion Assay Written report on the Analysis of Graywater Belch," presented to the International Council of Cruise Lines, 14 September 2000.
  49. ^ National Inquiry Council, Committee on Shipboard Wastes, Clean Ships, Clean Ports, Clean Oceans: Controlling Garbage and Plastic Wastes at Body of water (National Academy Press, 1995), Table 2-three, pp. 38-39.
  50. ^ National Research Council, Commission on Shipboard Wastes, Make clean Ships, Clean Ports, Clean Oceans: Controlling Garbage and Plastic Wastes at Sea (National University Printing, 1995), p. 126.
  51. ^ "Shifting Tide," p. xvi.
  52. ^ "The $40m 'magic pipe': Princess Cruises given tape fine for dumping oil at sea". The Guardian. 2 December 2016.
  53. ^ Kantharia, Raunek (24 October 2019). "Magic Pipe: The Mystery of the Illegal Activity All the same Continues on Ships". Marine Insight. Bangalore, Bharat.
  54. ^ Steger, M. B. (2003). Globalization: A Very Brusk Introduction. Oxford Academy Press Inc. New York.
  55. ^ Khee-Jin Tan, A. (2006). Vessel-source marine pollution: the constabulary and politics of international regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Printing[ page needed ]
  56. ^ "4 Challenges in International Shipping - CLX Logistics Weblog". clxlogistics.com. 11 September 2015. Retrieved five April 2018.
  57. ^ United Nations Environment Programme in collaboration with Gef, the University of Kalmar, the Municipality of Kalmar, Sweden, and the Governments of Sweden, Finland and Norway. (2006). Challenges to international waters: regional assessments in a global perspective. Nairobi, Kenya: United nations Environment Programme. Retrieved 5 Jan 2010.
  58. ^ Walker TR (Apr 2016). "Light-green Marine: An environmental program to constitute sustainability in marine transportation". Marine Pollution Bulletin. 105 (1): 199–207. doi:ten.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.029. PMID 26899158.

Further reading [edit]


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_effects_of_shipping

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